Monday, April 5, 2010

Having my priorities straight

So I was spotting my friend, when we were at the gym before school. He kept complaining about pulling a muscle, but was still trying to bench an amount he was obviously incapable of at the moment. So...

Me: you really need to stop.
Him: nah, I got this. I'm fine.
Me: If need be, I'm not going to bring you to the hospital, because I want to go to class.

My parents should feel proud that I hold education higher than other people's well being.

- Posted, while pondering the thought, "Am I the only one who thinks this is funny?", on my iPhone.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Did you notice that you start every single blog with "So...the other day... or dad said..." Stop being a sneaky gay. Swish it up a bit! I want different prepositions, verbs, nouns, and adjectives you wouldn't be able to tell whether you're from Stanford or Cambodia.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stanford Equestrian Club

I was visiting Stanford the other weekend with my family, when this conversation sparked.

Me: did you know Stanford is big on horses, I would be able to learn how to horseback ride if I wasn't allergic to them.
Dad (in a yelling manner): If I wanted you to learn how to ride a horse, I would just send you to Cambodia and not pay 50,000 a year.

Apparently my decision is between Stanford and Cambodia.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Appropriate dog names

So my Texan cousins got a new dog, named Ginger, and sent over pictures. This sparked a whole family conversation about dog names.

Sam: Wtf, the dog is white. Why did they name it Ginger?
Me: yeah they should've named it after something white, like Dikon or KKK.
Dad: what'd she name it.
Sam. Ginger.
Dad: What! What is it a stripper dog?

So basically dogs can't be name Ginger without people thinking they are promiscuous.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Recyclable Jokes Part I

So I haven't been around, mostly because everytime I feel like posting something I'm in photography and the computers in there have blocked personal blogs, even though you can straight up search for x-rated content.

Anyways, I felt inspired by the environmental episode of 30 Rock where Al Gore said you can recycle your jokes. So this is a joke my friend and I keep recycling.

Using "...without the merit."

Me: what even is tumbling?
Her: it's like gymnastics but without the merit.

Me: Ipads are basically netbooks but without the merit, and by merit I mean a keyboard.

Her: she's basically Hannah Montana but without any merit.

Me: the badminton team doesn't even cut people, it's a sport without the merit.

Me: we go to a public school, so we have no merit.

Her: I want to be a Pussycat Doll, but not sing so without the merit.
Me: so you want to be a stripper?

Her: my surprise party had no merit!
Me: yeah we definately didn't commit to anything.

Me: Southeast Asians are just Chinese people but without the merit.

Me: Oh god I hate ukeleles, they are guitars but without the merit.

There, I hope you start using the term too.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone