Friday, July 24, 2009

Past Statements of the Day: One Huge List

Peed in your pants!
1. We were outside doing one of our BBQ's. David was hanging on Anthony and sitting on his neck. About five minutes later I noticed that David's pants were wet. I asked him "David, did you pee on your pants?" He had that look on his face, you know that guilty look. Everyone started laughing and pointing at Anthony. It took him about 5 minutes to realize what David had just done to him. Disgusted, he dashed inside to take a shower.

Tart brings out the inner fatty.
2. During Thanksgiving, my mom had bought this bomb tart to eat after our lunch. Being the fatties that we are, we ate the whole thing. It all started after we had our huge turkey filled lunch. We were all stuffed and full sitting in the circle at one end of the counter. On the other side was a quarter of the tart. At some point during the conversation, Brian turns to me and asked me, "Hey Sam, go get that last piece of tart and a spoon." I was full and I knew that everyone else ate a lot. I refused but ultimately gave in because for some reason no one ever denies Brian. We all started eating it with some spoons and kept talking. About 5 bites in it got really quiet. I think everyone realized that there was only two bites left. I could see the primal fatty look in everyone's eyes. We all at the same time lunged for the two pieces of tart and then continued to fight each other for it before Anthony and Christina (the ultimate fatties) chomped them down.

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